Making Dynamsoft Barcode SDK an Addon for Node.js

 Do you apprehend that programing language is presently ranking 1st on GitHub? it's JavaScript! JavaScript isn't solely used for HTML5 internet application development, however additionally for server-side programming...

Do you apprehend that programing language is presently ranking 1st on GitHub? it's JavaScript! JavaScript isn't solely used for HTML5 internet application development, however additionally for server-side programming with runtime atmosphere Node.js. With npm, the package manager for Node.js, it's very easy to put in any internet frameworks or utilities. though Node.js has provided several powerful JavaScript genus Apis, generally we've got to form add-ons to empower Node.js with further functionalities. during this tutorial, I’d wish to share a way to implement a JavaScript Barcode application with the custom addon, wrapped with C/C++ genus Apis of Dynamsoft Barcode SDK, for Node.js.
Setting Up Environment for Node.js Addon Development
To build add-ons for Node.js, we need to install the tool node-gyp:
1 npm install -g node-gyp
Create an empty C/C++ file and a configuration file binding.gyp. Specify add-on name and C/C++ source files:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 {   "targets": [     {       "target_name": "dbr",       "sources": [ "" ]     }   ] }
Build dbr.node with the following command:
1 node-gyp configure install
Under folder build, you will see Visual Studio files and dbr.node:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 build     / binding.sln     / dbr.vcxproj     / dbr.vcxproj.filters     / config.gypi     / Release         / dbr.node         / dbr.pdb         / obj
For more information, please read the basic tutorial of Node.js addons.
Wrapping Dynamsoft Barcode SDK as the Addon for Node.js
Let’s double-click binding.sln to import the project to Visual Studio. Since node-gyp has added Node.js-relevant configurations, you just need to insert the directories of Dynamsoft Barcode SDK header files and libraries. Besides, add the post-build event:
1 copy "{installation directory}DynamsoftBarcode Reader 2.0 TrialRedistC_C++*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
Register a native method, and export the initialization function:
1 2 3 4 5 void Init(Handle exports) {     NODE_SET_METHOD(exports, "decodeFile", DecodeFile); }   NODE_MODULE(dbr, Init)
Convert barcode results to readable data for V8 JavaScript engine:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 void DecodeFile(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) {       Isolate* isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent();     HandleScope scope(isolate);       // convert v8 string to char *     String::Utf8Value utfStr(args[0]->ToString());     char *pFileName = *utfStr;       int option_iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage = -1;     int option_llBarcodeFormat = -1;       pBarcodeResultArray pResults = NULL;     ReaderOptions option;     SetOptions(&option, option_iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage, option_llBarcodeFormat);       // decode barcode image file     int ret = DBR_DecodeFile(         pFileName,         &option,         &pResults         );       if (ret == DBR_OK){         int count = pResults->iBarcodeCount;         pBarcodeResult* ppBarcodes = pResults->ppBarcodes;         pBarcodeResult tmp = NULL;           // javascript callback function         Local cb = Local::Cast(args[1]);         const unsigned argc = 1;           // array for storing barcode results         Local barcodeResults = Array::New(isolate);           for (int i = 0; i Set(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "format"), Number::New(isolate, tmp->llFormat));             result->Set(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "value"), String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, tmp->pBarcodeData));               barcodeResults->Set(Number::New(isolate, i), result);         }           // release memory         DBR_FreeBarcodeResults(&pResults);           Local argv[argc] = { barcodeResults };         cb->Call(isolate->GetCurrentContext()->Global(), argc, argv);     } }
For more information, please refer to v8.h and Chrome V8.
Create a JavaScript file for test:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 var dbr = require('./build/Release/dbr'); var readline = require('readline');   var rl = readline.createInterface({   input: process.stdin,   output: process.stdout });   rl.question("Please input a barcode image path: ", function(answer) {   // e.g. F:gitDynamsoft-Barcode-ReaderImagesAllSupportedBarcodeTypes.tif   dbr.decodeFile(     answer,     function(msg){       var result = null;       for (index in msg) {         result = msg[index]         console.log(result['format']);         console.log(result['value']);         console.log("##################");       }     }   );     rl.close(); });
FinallyFree Web Content, run your simple JavaScript Barcode application with command line tool:
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Virus Removal Softwares

A trojan horse could be a malware program that, once dead, replicates by inserting copies of itself (possibly modified) into alternative pc programs, data files, or the boot sector of the exhausting drive; once this replication succeeds, the affected area unitas are then aforementioned to be “infected”.
Virus Removal Softwares

Viruses typically perform some kind of harmful activity on infected hosts, like stealing magnetic disk house or computer hardware time, accessing non-public data, corrupting knowledge, displaying political or clownish messages on the user's screen, spamming their contacts, or work their keystrokes. However, not all viruses carry a harmful payload or decide to hide themselves -the process characteristic of viruses is that they're self-replicating pc programs that install themselves while not the user's consent.

Your computer infected with a virus? Unsure whether or not your existing antivirus computer code has detected and removed it? Still having issues and unsure wherever to show to next? Sophos Virus Removal Tool will facilitate.

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Virus Removal Tools:
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Virus Name
Removal Tool
McAfee Stinger
McAfee Stinger
Klez Removal Tool
McAfee Stinger
McAfee Stinger
McAfee Stinger
Bugbear Removal Tool
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Virus Removal Tools:
Some of the virus removal tools name are as follows:
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  • Win32/Gaelicum
  • Conficker Worm
  • Win32/Bamital
  • Win32/ZeroAccess
  • Win32/Tanatos
  • Win32/Slugin.A
  • Win32/Sality
  • Win32/Serpip
  • Win32/Selges
  • Protector.C
  • Win32/Prepender
  • Win32/Parite
  • I-Worm/Nimda
  • Win32/Neshta
  • Win32/Murof
  • Win32/Mabezat
  • Win32/Kriz
  • Win32/Chir.B@MM
  • Win32/Hidrag
  • Win32/Expiro
  • Win32/Dundun
  • Bootkit
  • Win32/Alman
  • Win32/Virut
  • Win32/Dupator
  • Win32/Magistr
  • Win32/Elkern
  • AH/Backdoor.Generic3.SVX
  • I-Worm/Luder
  • I-Worm/Ganda
  • Win32/Valla.2048
  • I-Worm/Sircam.A
  • I-Worm/Swen
  • VBS/Iloveyou
  • Win32/Vampiro
  • I-Worm/Mydoom.A and B
  • I-Worm/Navidad
  • I-Worm/Mydoom.F
  • I-Worm/Lovgate.C
  • I-Worm/Verona.B
  • I-Worm/Pretty_Park
  • I-Worm/Happy99
  • I-Worm/Bugbear.C
  • Stubby.A
  • Worm/Lovsan
  • I-Worm/Sober.A
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